Friday, February 5, 2010

My book....

I should really start back up on my book. The title of this blog is the title of my book....
It is the story of meeting my husband and all the life in between then and the present. I have alot of it done but need to get I can publish it. AHHH more work!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Trusting instincts

I am so glad that I have learned to trust myself. I am even more glad that I have learned to trust my maker.

I was recently spared and yet the tragedy is still heavy. "What if " wont bring back Jonathan. So for now I am thankful for once again being granted more time here in this place.

So far I must be in the right direction? I pray so.

I love my darling husband, for the loyalty he has shown through the bullshit and the years of pure hell.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


That I am the only one who can handle his bullshit??

Where is my fucking sticker, cookie or some kind of reward??

love is NOT a lightswitch

Love is a powerful thing. Sometimes even when two people move on, they really havent changed anything but living arrangements and prior set rules of fidelity. The devotion remains as well as the passion. It almost seems these things grow stronger with time and distance. I thought he would be over me. But when our eyes meet its obvious our connection remains. Our love has NOT faltered.

Now I know love is not like a light switch. We cannot choose to turn it on or off when we please.